Disability Resource Center
Disability Resource Center
The mission of AMDA's Disability Resource Center is to ensure that all students are afforded an equal opportunity to fully participate in and benefit from AMDA's performing arts education and diverse community of creative artists. We believe that disability is an integral part of the diversity of experience that fuels creative excellence. Therefore, it is our goal to remove access barriers to allow every student to reach their fullest potential.
To contact the Disability Resource Center, please email DRC@amda.edu or call 646-823-5297. On the LA campus, visit us on the 8th floor of Tower in the Student Affairs Suite. On the NY campus, visit us in room 1205 at the 54th St Studios.
About the Office
The Disability Resource Center provides support services, advocacy, and accommodation assessment for students with disabilities.
A person with a disability, as defined by the ADA, is someone with ‘a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities’. If you feel as though you have an impairment that impacts your ability to access your classes, your residence hall, or any other AMDA program or service, Disability Resource Center is here to help.
The Disability Resource Center strives for full accessibility and inclusion for all students. Whether or not you identify as disabled, we want to hear from you if you notice ways in which AMDA can improve. You may email the Disability Resource Center directly or contact one of the departments listed on our Contact Us page.
Student Services
Assessment of eligibility for disability accommodations, including both classroom and residential accommodations
Self-advocacy coaching and development
AMDA community trainings on disability justice and inclusion
Support for student-led alliances or affinity groups
Support and mediation for or within college meetings
On- and off-campus referrals