AMDA Catalog
Use the catalog to find amazing classes, explore degree programs, and discover academic passions.
Start your journey here.

Welcome to the AMDA Catalog
The AMDA Catalog is a road map for
your educational future. As you read through the
pages of course descriptions, policies and programs, you
will discover the array of opportunities for learning and
growth available at AMDA. From the moment you arrive
until the day you graduate, you will experience how deeply
AMDA is aligned with its mission. Each semester will move
you closer to attaining your academic and professional
goals while challenging and stimulating you in the
classroom and in performance.
The AMDA education is designed to develop your skills
and knowledge through world-class training that you
will put into practice from your very first day of class.
Customized class sizes enable personalized guidance
from faculty committed to developing your artistic and
intellectual progress for a career in the performing arts.
The course offerings featured in this catalog represent the
foundation of AMDA’s educational programs, developed
over five decades to prepare you for the diverse challenges
ahead. Immersion in performance training is augmented by
liberal arts studies and career preparation. The knowledge
and skills you acquire at AMDA are immediately applicable
to your chosen profession. We believe that a comprehensive
education should equip you to think and reason as a lifelong
learner, preparing you for the ever-changing landscape of
performance, media and industry.
As with all exploration, the pursuit of excellence is rigorous
and demanding. If you accept the challenge, you will find
your life is immeasurably enriched. We welcome you to join
us in our shared adventure and wish you the greatest success.